iterative least square method

英 [ˈɪtərətɪv liːst skweə(r) ˈmeθəd] 美 [ˈɪtəˌreɪtɪv liːst skwer ˈmeθəd]

网络  逐次最小二乘法; 迭代最小二乘法



  1. After found the best iterative initial value for the Partial Least Square ( PLS) with modular constraint and path analysis, a definite algorithm with prescription regression method for SEM is given.
  2. Subsection extended order iterative least square method for aerodynamic derivative identifications of eccentric bridge section models
  3. A Convergent Iterative Algorithm of the Mixed Least Square Method in Analytic Hierarchy Process
  4. The inverse problem of the damage identification for frame structure, which has local damage stiffness, has been studied in this paper. The alternate iterative method in the nonlinear minimizing process has been presented on the base of finite element method and the least square method.
  5. Experiments were done on some in vitro tissues of rabbits, and the impedance characteristic parameters of different tissues were calculated using the iterative least square curve fitting method.
  6. The Synthesis of Nonuniform Array Pattern by Using Iterative Linear Constraints Least Square Method
  7. Evaluation of standard Gibbs free energy for montmorillonite formation by iterative least square regression method
  8. On the basis of the iterative optimization in the least square method, the linear edges and circular arc edges of parts were fit, thereby the position of the part was fixed.
  9. On the basic of exhaustive study and derivation of the basic ideas, algorithms and calculation formula of the Gauss-Newton least squares method, the iterative calculation program based on Gauss-Newton least square method was complied using VC++ language. The best fitting parameter values were obtained.